Thursday 29 October 2015

7 Benefits of Honey for Health That Must Know

7 Benefits of Honey for Health That Must Know

Honey is a gold-colored sweet substance produced by bees from the nectar of a flower. In addition to having a sense of yag tempting, it turns the honey has also been used since ancient times as an effective herbal medicine. It is not something strange, because the article honey has a lot of good content. In addition, this bee fluid also is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and debriding. In fact, honey is also believed to cure many diseases are quite complicated. Want to know what are the health benefits of honey for? Here's his review.

1. Soothing cough

In a study conducted in 2007, mentioned that honey is a natural remedy that is most superior in suppression of cough. In addition, Pediatrics has also been announced that children with cough at night who consume 1 tsp honey 30 minutes before bedtime experience coughing rare, even cured.

2. Improve memory (memory)

Scientists once conducted a study of 102 women who are elderly (menopause) to consume 20 grams of honey every day. Having lasted for four months, they get a good result in short-term memory tests.

3. Treating wounds

Honey has antibacterial properties that kill germs contained in the wound. Therefore, many researchers recommend honey for wound healing and avoid infection. In addition, honey is also believed to keep the ulcers remain sterile from infections. In fact, in New Zealand you will find a honey named Medihoney, which is believed to kill all kinds of bacteria in the wound.

4. Sources of nutrients

Nan delicious sweet liquid turned out to have a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Call it the vitamin, niacin, minerals, riboflavin, calcium, pantothenic acid, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. In addition, honey can also be a calorie-free sugar substitute.

5. Preventing an increase in the number of white blood cells

In a study reported by the Mayo Clinic, says that honey is a natural ingredient that promises to prevent the number. In addition, other research states that 40 percent of cancer patients avoid the risk neitropenia after taking 2 teaspoons of honey during therapy kemotrapi.

6. Killing of antibiotic resistant bacteria

In clinical studies, the medical side announced that honey can kill disease pantogen of food, such as E.

7. Maintain healthy hair

In one study, scientists conducted research with several people with dandruff and chronic seborik. Participants are required to apply the honey that has been diluted with warm water to the hair and scalp is having problems. Furthermore, the hair mask is allowed to stand for 3 hours, then rinse with warm water.

Results of the study showed that all patients avoid itching, skin completely healed and highly subjective improvement against loss. In fact, the application of honey on the hair can make the disease does not recur if done for 6 months or more.